Saline dissonance

The salt of the sea has a flow, and Lara Salmon also has. Exploring the Mediterranean, richer in salt than oceans, Lara landed in Cyprus, where the Larnaca lagoon dries in summer becoming a salt lake.

Plastic life

This project is about turtles, and about humans. How is the life of a wild animal trying to enjoy the life in a polluted environment? Every animal, humans included, tries to enjoy life despite plastic, fishnets, disturbing pollution.

Reshaping intimacy

Intimacy is a step beyond the feeling of belonging. It is the feeling of being accepted as you are. Creating a family with strangers, creating a home with enough space for everyone, these are challenges that come up every time we arrive in new place.

Be My Home

Home is an intimate concept of belonging, often related to a personal, endless research. Like snails, we carry our fortune and experience and we look for a place.

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