Try to wash body and clothes with ink. Is body dirty? Are clothes clean?

Hold Me, Hold Me, Hold
We like poetry because it is inorganic, superficial, non-human.

Dreaming of dreaming of Dreamscapes
How much of reality is even real? How much of a dream is even unreal?

A conversation with the fragments of oneself and a search for unity.

In a burned house a ghost travels around, looking for her past life or maybe for a new beginning.

Two different bodies share the same ecstatic experience and their non ordinary connection.

Who’s Elise?
Backstage photos during the shooting of the short film Who's Elise?

Anna Kushnerova and Sofia Kovarich experiment and inquire into making BODY into INSTRUMENT. Jack Davey creates metallic body limbs for the movers who will meet in the wild, body-based symphony they call SPANDA.

Slugs on fire
Disgusting slugs navigate the darkness. A Butoh inspired performance of drooling bodies.

Physical landscape
Harmony like a music, organic bodies defining a space, a contact with the emotions of the audience: Physical...

Once there was a forest 2
Even in a dystopic world, made of stones, ice, charcoal, darkness and weird sounds, there is a physical connection, a forgotten desire to experience the nature, a memory.

Compton Mackenzie no. 27 & Prometheus no.4 / Nicosia
A spy story, finds in houses belonging to spies or spies' families, a war still dividing a land, a Cypriot story. Echo-Arts / Arianna Economou presents a palimpsest performance around the theme of desertion,
absence of human life at the core centres of our towns, through time.