SHIPWRECK 34°31’22.0″N 12°55’49.9″E is a drowning world, a collective sinking, a political and social shipwreck, of bodies and souls.
Uprooted, unprepared, bare bodies, bodies passing through doors after doors, trapped on the edge of ever thinner customs, exile of infinite grotesque border areas. It strays in breakdown, and with each shipwreck a piece is lost, until only bewilderment remains, a blurred idea of one’s identity.
Matroos Dance Theatre Company
Concept, direction, choreography: Lisa Rosamilia
Dancers: Angela Di Domenico, Chiara Marchesano, Francesca Orlandi, Carlotta Piraino
Script / lighting: Marco Bilanzone
Music / video: Daniele Casolino
Fortezza Est, Roma